Reconnect with the feeling music gives you in ceremony...

Answer The Call To Learn Healing Songs That Truly Inspire You

...Even If You’re A Total Beginner, Or Have Tried YouTube and gotten lost and confused!

Ana testimonial

“Finally… a Medicine Songs online program has been created!”

- Ana Uribe

Join the

Medicine Songs Library


  • Song Sheets & Maps, Chords and Lyrics, Video Tutorials and Audios VALUE $47

  • Modules on Guitar Basics and Singing Basics VALUE $197

  • The Song Library: Over 100 Video Tutorials for 19 songs covering chords, strumming, fingerpicking, timing, pronunciation, singing and coordination. VALUE $197

Get access today for just $97!

⇩ Ready to Sign Up Now? ⇩

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YouTube is an obvious place to look when we want to find free information.

But in reality what tends to happen?

You spend hours scrolling, trying to find tutorials that CLEARLY show you what to do...

But you just end up feeling more clouded and confused than you were at the start!

So what happens?

You start out excited,

learn bits and pieces here and there -

but never really a full song...

And then you hit a wall...

Things just get confusing

you’re getting hit and miss information

And you don’t know

what you don’t know…

So you blame yourself for not getting it!

You lose your momentum and motivation...

And you wind up wanting to give up!

Pretty quickly, the idea of playing and singing music

has lost its shine.

You doubt that you have what it takes to do it after all…

My friend, I'm here to part the clouds for you...

and show you that there's a better way!

My friend, I'm here to part the clouds for you...

and show you that there's a better way!

My friend, I'm here to part the clouds for you...

and show you that there's a better way!

“I know it’s important to learn exactly what you love learning and not just learning all these random songs in genres that you don’t really relate to, like pop or whatever.

For me, it has everything that I was looking for.”

Diana Martinez

eagle feather

What happens when you LOVE what you’re learning?

You have fun!

This naturally brings joy, focus and flow

to your process.

What happens when what you’re learning has a deeper personal and spiritual meaning for you?

This gives your music practice a powerful role in your life journey, which inspires commitment to see yourself through the challenges of learning.

Learning music through Medicine Songs is the perfect way to tap into these powerful and essential keys to learning music.

“I’ve been struggling to create a container for myself to have the discipline and the structures that I need to get the basic foundations.

There’s a lot of material out there, but I’m passionate about the Medicine Music and Songs. I didn’t want to get lost in a rabbit-hole of internet tutorials, so this has just provided the perfect container.”

-Emily, Australia

“I’ve been struggling to create a container for myself to have the discipline and the structures that I need to get the basic foundations.

There’s a lot of material out there, but I’m passionate about the Medicine Music and Songs. I didn’t want to get lost in a rabbit-hole of internet tutorials, so this has just provided the perfect container.”

-Emily, Australia

as seen on...

Ask them to imagine what life will be like when

they too have the success you have?

Show them that they can 
Get The Above Benefits And Results
Wasted Time....
Wasted Money....
Frustration Etc....

If you’ve sat in a plant medicine ceremony, and had a light-bulb inspired moment about music, you might have had this realisation...

Music is a mirror to our hearts, our souls and the universe!

And expressing who we are

through music is



These lightbulb moments are what inspired me to create...

The Medicine Songs


An Online Library to

support your musical journey

with Medicine Songs.

This library is for anyone who has

sat in a plant medicine ceremony and had that moment where you were…

Completely lit up by the beauty and power of the music,

and moved by the inspired desire to play and sing yourself.

These lightbulb moments are what inspired me to create...

The Medicine Songs Library

An Online Library to

support your musical journey

with Medicine Songs.

This library is for anyone who has sat in a plant medicine ceremony and had that moment where you were…

Completely lit up by the beauty and power of the music,

and moved by the inspired desire to play and sing yourself.

In this library you’ll learn how to:

  • Build up foundational skills in guitar and singing so you can feel more and more confident each time you learn a new song.

  • Develop a repertoire of Medicine Songs that you love, so you can share your love of music, and be seen in your expression by and with the community....
medicine songs woman

In this library you’ll learn how to:

Build up foundational skills in guitar and singing so you can feel more and more confident each time you learn a new song.

Develop a repertoire of Medicine Songs that you love, so you can share your love of music, and be seen in your expression by and with the community....

And cultivate the ability to make your music practice

a powerful path for healing and growth,

so you can break through challenges and self-judgement, and finally...

make some progress in music - and in your life!

medicine songs woman

“Kirsty’s teaching style is a perfect blend of the technical and creative, and her understanding of music philosophy comes through to inspire spiritual growth.”

-Sophie Pham

What’s Inside

online modules

Online Library Modules

The library contains a wealth of video tutorials in three modules to work through in your own time, in a flexible way, so you can find exactly what you need, and to learn the basic components of the songs.

Each set of tutorials covers the following elements:

Guitar Basics - Value $97


Common chord shapes, transitions and progressions

How to build up your strumming flow and common patterns

Basics of fingerpicking

Build up the general guitar playing skills that are most relevant for playing Medicine Songs.

Singing Basics - Value $97


The basics of how the voice works, with explorations to experience that in your own voice

Experiential explorations as well as structured exercises

How to develop resonance and freedom in your voice

❉ The Creative Vocal Process™, a method of learning that guides you into a combination of structure, freedom and creativity, so it stays engaging and connected to what your heart and soul wants to sing.

The Song Library - Value $197

(Contains over 100 Video Tutorials!)


How to bring the elements of guitar and singing together in a practical and clear way so you can build up your playing and singing coordination piece by piece with clarity and confidence.

Each song has 4-6 separate tutorials on each element of guitar playing, singing and coordinating the two together. Including:

  • Chords and Timing

  • Strumming/Picking Patterns

  • Singing Pitch and Technique

  • Lyric Pronunciation

  • Coordinating singing with Guitar and/or shaker/drum.

The Songs in the current version of the library are:

Salve a Rainha do Mar

Clear Blue Sky

Hearts Mystery

Cuatro Vientos

Stillness in Motion

Blessed We Are

Angel Heart

Vuela Con El Viento

Agua de Estrellas

Pachamama (Carioca)

Pachamama (Darpan)

Asatoma (Kevin James)

Todos Somos Medicina

Tônande (Yawanawa)

Celestial Heart

Oso Blanco

Ide Were Were

Somos La Luz Del Bosque

Song Sheets & Song Maps™ - Value $47

These unique print formats for the songs are designed to provide two ways to lay out and break down all the moving parts of the songs so you can clearly see and understand all the elements involved, and work in a practical way towards playing the songs.


Musical Momentum Promise

Enroll today, Risk Free

We are 100% certain that the value in this library is incredible and that you will truly gain musical momentum on your path if you sign up and use the materials to their full potential.

But, if after signing up and using the library materials, you feel you have not received the value you were hoping for within the first 30 days, you totally deserve a refund!

So, you can feel confident to sign up now, look through the materials, try a bunch out for a few weeks and see if it works for you.

I will hold up my end of the bargain, and it’s only fair that you do too. That means….

  • Completing at least 10 of the online tutorials
  • Engaging with your own regular practice
  • Reaching out for support to the Medicine Songs Team if something isn't working.

If after this you would like to request your money back, all you would have to do is email me at [email protected], before the first month is up and share your valuable feedback as to how it could be improved.


Musical Momentum Promise

Enroll today, Risk Free

We are 100% certain that the value in this library is incredible and that you will truly gain musical momentum on your path if you sign up and use the materials to their full potential.

But, if after signing up and using the library materials, you feel you have not received the value you were hoping for within the first 30 days, you totally deserve a refund!

So, you can feel confident to sign up now, look through the materials, try a bunch out for a few weeks and see if it works for you.

I will hold up my end of the bargain, and it’s only fair that you do too. That means….

☑️ Completing at least 10 of the online tutorials

☑️ Engaging with your own regular practice

☑️ Reaching out for support to the Medicine Songs Team if something isn't working.

If after this you would like to request your money back, all you would have to do is email me at [email protected], before the first month is up and share your valuable feedback as to how it could be improved.

The Medicine Songs Library

Online Modules incl:

Guitar Basics - VALUE $97

Singing Basics - VALUE $97

The Song Library - VALUE $197

Song Sheets and Song Maps™️ - VALUE $47

Online Modules incl:

Guitar Basics ($97)

Singing Basics ($97)

The Songs Library ($197)

Song Sheets and Song Maps™️ ($47)

Total Value: $438

Today's price:




*Price is in US Dollars*

Payment Plan available

To learn this many songs in 1:1 private lessons would take over a year of weekly lessons... and potentially thousands of dollars.

Payment Plan option available at checkout

Pay $49 today, and a second payment of $49 will be processed one month from today

"I wanted to learn guitar for years and finally have confidence playing songs that I love - and ones that not everyone knows how to play already. I feel blessed that I found this program where I can learn to play and sing the most beautiful songs taking me back to my biggest medicine experiences with confidence."

- Nikki, Canada

Hey, I'm Kirsty 👋🏼

After over 35 years of learning, and nearly 20 years teaching music, I've learned what works...

...and it's not trawling your way through YouTube tutorials, hoping you come across the right information

... you need someone to light the way for you, to show you the path of music and how to stay on track.

That's where I come in!

“For about a year and a half, I played the same song on my guitar over and over. I didn’t try harder to expand my knowledge because I was feeling uninspired with the programs that were accessible but didn’t really touch my heart. Kirsty has put her whole heart into this program and is very detailed as well as easy to follow.

- Ana Uribe

Ready for results like these?

✅ Re-live the magic of ceremony through medicine music

✅ Finally being able to play your favourite songs

✅ Discover your own voice and expression

✅ Share your light and song in community

You’ve got questions…

We’ve got answers!

What Songs are in the Library?

The Medicine Songs Library current version contains in-depth tutorials (including chords, strumming and picking, singing practice, pronunciation and coordinating guitar and singing) for the following songs:

Salve a Rainha do Mar

Clear Blue Sky

Hearts Mystery

Cuatro Vientos

Stillness in Motion

Blessed We Are

Angel Heart

Vuela Con El Viento

Agua de Estrellas

Pachamama (Carioca)

Pachamama (Darpan)

Asatoma (Kevin James)

Todos Somos Medicina

Tonande (Yawanawa/Curawaka)

Celestial Heart

Oso Blanco

Ide Were Were

Somos La Luz Del Bosque

How much time will be required of me?

By signing up for access to this library, you are setting an intention to give music the time and space it needs to take root and flourish in your life.

There are video tutorials in each module on Guitar, Singing and Songs to work through at your own pace. Each video can go anywhere from 5 minutes to 25 minutes, depending on the topic.

You don’t have to complete every single video in order to make progress, and you can revisit videos to revise anything you wish to at any time.

We recommend starting with a commitment of 5 minutes practice or one tutorial (whichever is most appropriate) every day, or every second day, and see how you go from there.

How long will it take to learn a song?

Everyone is different, and it depends on where you are starting from. Some people get the basics of a few songs in the program, some focus on mastering one before moving on to the next.

In every song you learn, you are working on developing the same skills, until they become integrated and then those same skills will apply to many songs. Once you are able to play one song, you will then be able to play many others in short order, quite quickly.

One student reported they went from zero, to playing 3 songs, within 2 months. This is totally possible for you too!

I’m a total beginner - will this program meet me where I’m at?

Yes! We start with the basics and build from there, with different options for different levels so you can always work at the level you need to. The video tutorials do give you instructions on what to focus on in your practice, so you can be met right where you are.

Think of it like a yoga class, where there are options for easier and more challenging poses.

I don’t have a guitar or any other equipment yet. Where should I get one and how soon do I need it?

You will need a guitar and capo in order to make the best use of the library - otherwise there will be a lot of tutorials you won't be able to practice along with.

The best guitar brands to look for include, but are not limited to: Yamaha, Fender, Cordoba, Alhambra, Taylor, Takamine, Antonio de Toledo.

You can find either new or second hand ones online, or at your local music store. If you have smaller hands, consider going for a ⅞ size guitar.

Your capo should be either a “spring-clamp” or “trigger” capo. A google search should provide you with many options. Again, you can purchase these second hand or new off popular shopping sites, or at your local music store.

I’ve tried to learn guitar before, and it was hard. Will this be easier?

There is always a learning curve when we start out learning music. This is normal, and something we need to be prepared to navigate. BUT with the support of great resources AND great guidance, as we have in the Medicine Songs Library, it is made as easy and clear as possible.

What if I try the library but I don’t like it or it doesn’t work for me?

We believe that if you aren’t getting what you wanted from this program, you deserve your money back, which is why we have a money-back guarantee!

You can also find a link to our refund and cancellation policy at the bottom of this page.

What if I find out I’m not musical enough?

There are people who have a particular inclination for music… but there is no-one with a functional nervous system who is not musical. That would be like saying some people are not ‘languagey’. Music is completely innate to all humans the same way language is.

How much progress you make depends more on your fascination, curiosity and commitment to the process than any degree of ‘talent’ you may or may not think you have.

"I want to give you a very big thank you to all the love and effort that you’ve put into your wonderful course. I’m enjoying every second of it and went from playing 0 on the guitar, to three songs with singing in two months! 🙏🤍

So thank you thank you."

- Liv, Norway

What will the magic of music bring into your life?

Remember that inspired moment, when it was so clear to you that music needs to be a part of your life? When you could see the possibility, and it filled your heart with joy and excitement?

Give yourself the gift of really making a commitment to your growth in and with music - because in music, we not only learn to express ourselves through that beautiful art form, but we heal and grow on many personal levels as well.

And with a multi-faceted approach to learning and growing in music as this program provides, you have the best possible chance of really getting to that place that has been your inspiration and desire since that lit-up moment in plant medicine ceremony!

NOT taking action on that inspiration and desire is actually you saying no to your soul. And I know if you’re here, you’re the kind of person who wants to live a soul-fulfilled and expressed life.

And remember, with our Musical Momentum Promise, there is no risk - you will get where you want to go, with the right guidance - or your money back.

I’d love to welcome you into the library! Let’s do it!

xx Kirsty and the Medicine Songs Team

What will the magic of music bring into your life?

Remember that inspired moment, when it was so clear to you that music needs to be a part of your life?

When you could see the possibility, and it filled your heart with joy and excitement?

Give yourself the gift of really making a commitment to your growth in and with music - because in music, we not only learn to express ourselves through that beautiful art form, but we heal and grow on many personal levels as well.

NOT taking action on that inspiration and desire is actually you saying no to your soul.

And I know if you’re here, you’re the kind of person who wants to live a soul-fulfilled and expressed life.

And remember, with our Musical Momentum Promise, there is no risk - you will get where you want to go, with the right guidance - or your money back.

I’d love to welcome you into the library!

Let’s do it!

xx Kirsty and the Medicine Songs Team

The Medicine Songs Library

An Online Library

to support your musical journey

with Medicine Songs.

Online Modules incl:

Guitar Basics - VALUE $97

Singing Basics - VALUE $97

The Song Library - VALUE $197

  • Song Sheets and Song Maps™️ - VALUE $47

Online Modules incl:

Guitar Basics ($97)

Singing Basics ($97)

⇨ The Songs Library ($197)

Song Sheets and Song Maps™️ ($47)

Total Value: $438

Today's price:




*Price is in US Dollars*

You can opt for a payment plan at checkout -

pay $49 now, and $49 a month from now.

(Payment will be processed automatically so you don't have to remember.)

Holistic Music - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions